Monday, November 8, 2010


Seriously my day started with a “Good Morning” text from Alexis at 6:15am this morning – she was still in Seattle which saved her – but pay back will be a bitch.

It took me 12 minutes to leave my neighborhood because it was snowing all night and so a 25 minute commute to work (3.5 miles) apparently 8 cars decide to ditch it on the New Seward Highway. I pull into work to red and blue lights flashing off the snow. Because there was a fire engine, ambulance and a cop car in front of our building. I park and then ask my boss who is standing outside what has happened and apparently one of our technicians rear ended someone and the guy (who apparently just had surgery for a brain aneurism a week ago) was not doing so well after the fender bender. Over all not a lot of damage to the vehicles and our technician is emotionally not handling the incident very well (who could blame him) the other guy left in the ambulance – hopefully he will be OK.

Then I had to drive the same technician to drop his vehicle off at the shop to get it worked on. So more driving then I prefer to do in weather like this. Anyway was busy all day but can’t really say I completed anything – hopefully tomorrow will be more productive. Will check in later when I have more time.

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