Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Episode XLIX: “Let's revisit the pole dancing.”

So last night I ended up going to Kootz again because some friends were celebrating a birthday party. So Mel and I got there at 10 and met up with Poppy. We were all hanging out in the swing bar listen to this guy sing Karaoke and I was pole dancing with the support beams again when all of the sudden the singer came up and started to sing to me. Whoa big fella! I was not dancing for you. Mel is so fired because she just started to laugh (she is such a lousy wing man) and Poppy was no help either. So I guess that is the last time I dance when sober if I would have been drunk I wouldn’t have cared but since I wasn’t it was like “Uh – NO! Back away slowly little man.” Anyway so the comedy show is tonight and we will be there again. But I will not be going anywhere near that pole tonight.


Anonymous said...

you know that was hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing. And truthfully i can't be blamed. I didn't seem him coming till he was right there. But i guess i better work on my wingman skills.

AlaskaMe said...

Damn straight - little lady or you will be cut off and replaced. No more Kooties for you!

Anonymous said...

The whole 'back away slowly little man' cracks me up so much!!